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Vahvan tunnistautumisen kontaktiton maksaminen

eLipas käynnistys- ja maksuratkaisut on tehty yhdessä Vipps Mobilepayn kanssa. Maksutapahtumat täyttävät Euroopan Unionin vahvan tunnistautumisen vaatimukset. Ratkaisussamme laitteen/palvelun ulkopuolelle tulee vain QR-koodi ja itse tekniikka jää piiloon. Lisäksi käyttämämme kommunikaatiotekniikka ei ole perinteistä mobiilidataa, joten se on huomattavasti toimintavarmempi kuin muut vastaavat.

Teemme lisäksi integraatiota asiakkaan järjestelmiin tarvittaessa.

Our Business

With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to enhance our users’ every day experiences. Founded in 2000, our incredible team of engineers, programmers, designers and marketing experts have worked tirelessly to bring eLipas to the forefront of the industry.

In order to provide excellent solutions, we dedicate time and resources to research the market needs and our users’ habits and motives. We have, and will continue to work tirelessly to become the technological standard, providing big picture insights which industry leaders not only approve of, but also depend on. Get in touch to learn more.

Get in Touch

Our Innovative Technology

At eLipas, our comprehensive technological solutions help industry leading companies and individuals achieve greater success. Our platform has a wide range of features that were created with an aim to help you live differently. In order to empower our users to do better, eLipas is continually building upon its technology, so stay in touch to learn about upgrades and other changes. For a free demo, contact us today.


"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear"

Mark Twain



eLipas Oy
Itälahdenkatu 18 A
00210 Helsinki

+358 207 304 760

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